What We Do

We help non-profits and religious organizations to be financially organized and realize a clear and useful financial picture. We are your bookkeeper, accountant, CFO or cost effective ‘finance department for hire’ getting you the information you need to better execute your mission.

We help non-profits and religious organizations to be financially organized. We are your bookkeeper, accountant, CFO or cost effective ‘finance department for hire’.

Who We Serve

Millette & Company typically serves smaller non-profits and religious organizations based in Northeast Ohio.

Millette & Company typically serves smaller non-profits and religious organizations based in Northeast Ohio.

Who We Are

Our staff are made up of experienced, dedicated, efficient and effective accounting professionals. We specialize in fixing financial mismanagement and disorganization. Millette & Company offices are located at 22299 South Woodland Road, Shaker Heights Ohio 44122.

Our staff are made up of experienced, dedicated, efficient and effective accounting professionals. The Millette & Company office is located at 22299 South Woodland Road, Shaker Heights Ohio 44122.